The Eastview food pantry is a collaboration between Eastview Community Center and DMARC. The services are available to everyone regardless of income level. IDs are preferred but not required. If you don't have an ID, a limited amount of food is available. Drivers license, Passports, and state ID’s are accepted for adults. Medical Cards or School ID’s work for children.
The hours are Tuesday and Wednesday 2 pm - 5 pm, Thursday 10 AM - Noon, and Friday 10 am - 2 pm. We do follow the Des Moines Public Schools severe weather schedule. The pantry will close on days that the schools close.
We recognize the need for food assistance is great and desire to help as much as possible. The food pantry offers a limited variety of meat, dairy, canned goods, cereal, and staples based on household size. There is a limited amount of personal items available as well. We encourage those who need assistance to come once a month for the pantry items.
We also have weekly food items available. These include bread, produce, bakery, and personal items. An individual or family may take advantage of these once a week. All food pantry items are subject to donations and availability.
Our pantry is a drive up pantry. No need for you to get out of your vehicle. Please use the SOUTH entrance (near Evangel Chapel church) and drive around to the Porter’s Hardware side of the building. When you arrive please stay in your car and honk your horn to let us know you are there. Those coming for their monthly food pantry visit will be given a sheet of food choices for the month to fill out. We want you to have a choice for what you receive. Those coming for the weekly items will receive a pre-packed order.